Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I just found a picture of my favorite basketball player when he was in college.


Just days before the big dance here is my top ten list in particular order:

1. BENNY BUTTON-Brad Pitt. Need I say more? Okay, I will. Cate Blanchett. Need I say more? Okay, I will. An old man baby and little kid old man. Need I say more? Okay, I will. More wanting me leave movie long hour three nearly a made who Fincher David by way poetic and intriguing an in done was narrative reverse the. I know what you’re thinking, “if you’re going to write the words backwards, you should have written the letters backwards too dummy.” Well then call me F. Scott. He wrote a story about a small baby born in the body of an old man who goes out as an old man in the body of a small boy. Shouldn’t he have been born with a body as big as an old man? Would have hurt mom too much huh?

2. FROST/NIXON-Frank Langella deserves the nomination, but Michael Sheen should have gotten more attention. This isn't exactly my kind of movie and it still won me over big time. Well played Mr. Opie.

3. IRON MAN-Best comic book movie I’ve seen in a while. Robert Downey Jr. made this movie great. I went to this movie by myself and loved every second. A movie like this would never get nominated for big awards, but it's good to know there are still flat out entertaining blockbusters that aren't as ridiculous as Transformers or as serious as Dark Knight.

4. VICKY CHRISTINA BARCELONA-Woody strikes again. He’s just one of those writers like Tarantino. I just like to hear his characters talk. Interesting story, good acting, but great writing.

5. MILK-Gus Van Sant=best director. Period. (confusion about whether to put an actual period after the word period)

6. KUNG FU PANDA-Skidoosh!

7. REVOLUTIONARY ROAD-Better movie than the Reader. Another movie with amazing acting. Everyone should see this movie before getting married. Unless of course you actually want to get married.

8. DARK KNIGHT-Great movie. Unbelievable performance by Heath Ledger, but also the second most overrated movie of the year behind Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Batman Begins was better, but I still really liked this film. The Harvey Dent story could have been saved for the next film in the Christopher Nolan series. Oh, and who would have guessed that the only person crazier than Heath Ledger’s Joker character was Christian Bale in real life.

9. SLUMDOG MILLIONARE-Who doesn’t love a good love story. This is one that is told in a new and exciting way. To me, not the movie of the year, but a good one nonetheless.

10. STEP BROTHERS-Sorry. I still think Will Ferrell is hilarious. I cried in the theatre.

Movie occurence of '08 that nearly ruined my entire childhood:

Only movie that was a bigger waste of money than Indy:

Second best animated film (it's not Wall-E!!):

Movie event that was ground breaking and unbelievable but most people still probably missed:
U2 3D