Thursday, March 12, 2009

Don't front.

I just got to thinking about the shortage in great frontmen over the last decade. Forget about just good. Is Chris Martin the only captivating frontman left these days? Are there any great frontwomen? Kind of sad huh? Is it just because people don't go to concerts as much anymore so there's no demand for great frontpeople? Is it because Chris Martin is just so damn good that everyone else fails in comparison? Perhaps it's simply because there are less and less bands, and more and more solo acts. What's the deal?

So many questions. So few answers. Help.

p.s. I'm talking about bands that have hit their stride in the last ten years. Don't try to throw out Mick Jagger or The Boss.


Anonymous said...

I remember one band from the early 2000's who had a strikingly charming frontman. Think the band was called justincase?

Anonymous said...

first of all that was an awesome post. you just got two new followers of your blog.

as to the matter at hand. Two words: Karen O. I can't think of a better frontwoman.

and when I get my band off the ground, you can add me to that list. lol.

Anonymous said...

lol..yes Justin, you are captivating, that video "Don't Cry for us" was realistic and touching.
I would go to any concert of yours.